10 Common Discomforts during Pregnancy and How to Manage Them

Gingivitis is the most common problem occurring during pregnancy says an article published in The Times of India in August 2014. Pregnancy symptoms change week by week and enhance by the end of the term to cause major discomfort. Here are some of the most common symptoms and tips on how to cope with them.

Discomforts During Pregnancy

Symptoms of discomfort vary from woman-to-woman, however some women might never experience any or some of them.

Morning Sickness

It is believed to be one of the most common pregnancy symptoms which sets in early in the term and could last for the whole of the first trimester, or even beyond for some. Moreover, it is considered a misnomer by many as nausea may persist throughout the day and not just in the mornings. It is caused by rapidly changing hormone levels. Timely meals and avoiding food that act as a trigger can help reduce or manage morning sickness.


Women feel fatigued as the body starts to work overtime to provide nourishments to the fetus. Blood level and body fluids increase in the first trimester. Anaemia could also be the cause of fatigue. It is characterized by reduced levels of oxygen carrying capacity of red blood cells resulting in low iron levels. Fifty-four percent pregnant women suffered from anaemia in India from 2010 to 2014, according to The World Bank database. A prenatal test to detect anaemia should be done. A healthy, nutritious diet must be taken during the nine months.

Constipation and Haemorrhoids

Pregnancy symptoms change week by week in accordance with the bodily changes. Increased pressure to the rectum and perineum cause indigestion and irregular bowel movements which result in constipation. Constipation and increased blood levels cause haemorrhoids, one of the most common symptoms during the last months. Always check with your doctor for medication.

Bleeding Gums

As the blood flow increases during pregnancy, gums may become spongy resulting in bleeding. Extra care and regular checkups with the dentist can help avoid it.

Heartburn and Indigestion

It is mainly caused due to the pressure on the intestines. Small meals at regular intervals can help avoid the problem.

Back-ache and Dizziness

Pregnancy symptoms week by week changes as the pregnancy progresses. As the months pass by weight of a pregnant woman increases, balance changes, and the center of her gravity is pulled forward straining her back. Loosening pelvic joints also contribute to back-ache. Low blood sugar, low levels of iron, low blood pressure or dehydration may cause dizziness. Changing positions slowly as well as standing with support is necessary for back support and also to avoid injury due to dizziness.


It may be caused due to hormonal changes. Proper food intake and rest help resolve headaches. If you have severe headaches or ones that do not resolve, you must consult your doctor. It may be a sign of pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure) which may result in complications during labor.

Itchy Skin

Is your skin feeling itchy on your growing bump? This is probably caused by your skin stretching. If so, it’s nothing to worry about. You could try massaging some unscented moisturiser into the skin. You might notice stretch marks.


You can be more prone to this fungal infection in pregnancy. If you notice any of the symptoms of thrush, have a chat with your midwife about treatment.


You might have a stuffy nose or suffer from nosebleeds. Hormonal changes and the increased blood supply in your body can put more pressure on the blood vessels in your nose, causing them to break.

This is pretty common but if your nosebleeds persist, tell your doctor or midwife.