The period after you’ve given birth to your little one is the most crucial one. The stage of postpartum starts with “The Golden Hour”- the much-awaited beauty of bonding and connection. But this phase of your life doesn’t end there. Childbirth or postpartum comes with a lot of challenges. You’re entering the world of motherhood, […]
Author: Cordlife India
Dad’s Edition: The Golden Hour After Childbirth
As a Dad, never will anything compare to holding your child for the first time. The sheer tiny bundle snuggled up and was so delicate. It’s truly scary but also the most thrilling moment. That moment is what begins your “Golden Hour”. Golden Hour refers to the first period when a parent and a baby […]
Mom’s Edition: The Golden Hour After Childbirth
Holding your newborn in your arms after a long and adventurous pregnancy journey is a sheer delight for you. Isn’t it? The moment when your newborn baby is in your arms, and covered with a warm blanket is the most beautiful moment of your life. That’s “the Golden Hour” of your life. These are the […]
41st Week of Pregnancy: The Bodily Changes and What Your Baby is Doing
Your entire pregnancy journey has been a blend of physical as well as emotional changes. With every passing stage of your pregnancy, you eagerly wait to hold your baby in your arms. By the time you enter the 39th or 40th week of your pregnancy, it’s about time to bring your baby into your world. […]
40th Week of Pregnancy: The Changes, The Homestretch & What Your Baby is Doing
40 Weeks is the average length of a normal healthy pregnancy. However, this can vary from mother to mother. Learn about the changes, progress and preparation you can do for your 40th week of pregnancy. Once you’ve reached the 40th week of pregnancy, that means your wait is finally over and you’ve almost reached the […]
39th Week of Pregnancy: Explore Your Body and Baby
It’s the 39th Week! Wow! Congratulations! You’ve made it! You’ve finally made it through your pregnancy journey. And this is the last leg of your pregnancy. Your little one inside you isn’t little anymore. He or she has taken the prime child birthing position with the head down and is engaged in the pelvis region. […]
38th Week of Pregnancy: What to Expect from an Expecting Mother and the Baby
37th Week of Pregnancy: What an Expecting Mother and The Expecting Baby
The 36th to 39th week of your pregnancy is the most crucial one. That’s the home stretch of your pregnancy. From the first stage, you must have experienced various changes in your pregnancy journey. Once you’ve entered the 37th, gradually get ready to deliver your baby. You just can’t wait to hold your baby in […]
Prurigo – The Itchy Rashes in the Third Trimester: What Causes it? How to Treat it?
Congratulations would-be-mummy! You’ve reached the last leg of your pregnancy – the Third Trimester! Your due date is knocking at the door, and very soon you’ll be holding a cute, cuddly newborn in your arms. Before you welcome your child into your life, you’d have to welcome the different kinds of Third-trimester pregnancy challenges. You’ll […]