Your pregnancy journey is both exciting and hectic. Nurturing another life within you is not an easy task. You go through a lot. You feel puckish, itchy, tired, get stretch marks on the belly, etc. This aside, you might have to be a little more careful with teeth and gums. The gums may be a […]
Author: Cordlife India
5 Common Pelvic Floor Complications & Treatment After Birth
Congratulations new mommy! You’ve given birth to a sweet little bundle of joy after nine long months. Finally, you’ve made it through all the stages of pregnancy, labour and childbirth. However, the pelvis is still hurting. Isn’t it? Yes! It’s natural. Pelvis Changes During Pregnancy The pelvis comprises the hip bones, the tailbone, and a […]
What Is Cell Culture? Why Is It Necessary Before Cord Blood Banking?
In basic scientific research-related questions cell culture is an essential and versatile tool. It refers to the growth and expansion of cells in the laboratory. The process of cell culture is carried out in a culture dish. Cell cultures are used for research in the field of medicine and to diagnose infections. The dish gradually […]
Shaken Baby Syndrome: Signs, Causes and Remedies
Once you have a newborn in your house, you have many visitors (friends, relatives and caregivers) trying to take the baby in their arms and play with him/ her. While they are busy with your little one, be careful about one thing, they shouldn’t shake the baby. What is Shaken Baby Syndrome? Shaking your little […]
Is Breast Pain Normal During Pregnancy? Find Out
With pregnancy comes hormonal changes. A hormonal flux affects the entire body and mind. For instance, there’s swelling in your body. You feel moody and tired. Also, you’ll have breast changes and pain from conception to delivery. The breasts feel full and heavy with a tingling sensation. This is because they are getting ready to […]
How Do Oxytocin Hormones Help During Pregnancy and Birth?
Oxytocin (love hormones) is an extraordinary hormone that also functions as a neurotransmitter. These hormones act as chemical messengers in the brain while getting attracted and attached romantically. It further helps in pregnancy, makes the uterus contract during labour and promotes breastmilk production after the baby’s birth. Once the baby is born it is the […]
What Are the Most Common Infections in Babies? How to Prevent Them?
Babies can get infections from an infected mother during pregnancy and birth. Also, an immature immune system may infect an infant. This aside, the monsoon and winter are prime times for babies to fall sick. The monsoon’s wet, humid conditions create dust and mould mites, which cause allergies in babies. Also, mosquitoes thrive in stagnant […]
Snoring in Pregnancy: Causes, Tips, Remedies
Pregnancy has several challenges like morning sickness, swelling, tiredness, etc. Many pregnant women face sleeping problems. As per National Sleep Foundation you need at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep per 24 hours. The quality of sleep is essential for the pregnant mother, and the baby’s health. Sleepless nights can make you tired, forgetful, […]
Breast Cancer: Symptoms, Types, Causes & Diagnosed
The breasts are one of the most essential organs in a woman’s body. One needs to take care of them from the very beginning otherwise the chances of breast cancer – the abnormal growth of cells around the breast lobules or ducts – grows abnormally. These cells can spread to other parts of the body. […]
What You Should Know About Endometriosis During Pregnancy
If you’re trying for a baby for a very long time and happen to be unsuccessful, you may come across several reasons for it through tests and scans. It may be due to your age, lifestyle disorders, or medical conditions like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), follicular disorders, as well as uterine disorders (uterine fibroids, septate uterus, […]