To allow your bundle of joy to achieve a healthy birth, you need to be careful and follow safety and nutrition tips to stay healthy for yourself too. When you are through your pregnancy stage, it is crucial you do not engage yourself into something, which could be harmful for you and your baby. Here’s […]
Cordlife India
Get updated news related to stem cell banking, cord blood preservation and pregnancy.
Stem Cell Study Holds Out Promise For Kidney Disease
Days of clinical research empower scientists to discover novel methods using stem cells to develop more humanlike tiny kidneys. This is something, which is not as new to us as we had enough of such research-based organ development for kidney impairments earlier as well. More the number of new methods to investigate etiologies of kidney […]
Super-obese Patient-derived iPSC Hypothlamic Neurons Exhibit Obesogenic Signatures and Hormone Responses
Obesity is a growing concern for the upcoming generation, and it has been a leading health problem for people across the world for many years now. Most surprisingly, we did not have any potential therapeutics to ward off its complications, adding to our woes and dilemma. The reasons could be a lack of transparent methodical […]
How to Share The Joy Of Music With Your Baby
Genetically Modified Skin Cells Saved a 7-year Old Boy’s Life
A remarkable achievement in the world of regenerative medicine, especially for victims of severe burns and suffering from skin conditions, came forward when scientists reported that they were able to successfully engraft modified stem cells in order to grow skin over a 7 year old boy. Suffering from genetic disease known as Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa […]
Getting Ready for the Big Day: Preparing for Labour & Delivery
There are always some jitters when it comes to the Big Day of delivery. With every passing day the mother becomes more and more conscious and the nerves start to act outlandishly at times. The idea is to remain calm and know what to do under pressure. Check out this exclusive list of activities that […]
Natural Birth and Cord Blood Banking: What You Need to know
Stories of Hope: The Story of a South African Bubble Boy and a Gene Therapy that Gave Him His Life Back
Life is truly uncertain with its bout of ailments and untreatable diseases. This is why scientists and doctors are always in an attempt to come up with revolutionary cures and regenerative cures. And all across the globe there are miracle stories being circulated about the advanced stem cell and gene therapy and others that have […]
Siblings and Cord Blood: How Your Baby’s Cord Blood Can Help Treat a Sibling?
Human ailments are always on the rise. And so are its treatments! Doctors and medical experts are constantly experimenting with new treatment modalities to be able to cure chronic ailments. One such medium is cord blood stem cell transplant. This has gained prominence in the recent times, owing to the success stories about patients who […]