Makhana, also known as fox nuts and lotus seeds, are a popular snack in India. They are rich in protein and fibre and make a great addition to a well-balanced healthy diet. Are you wondering, “Can we eat makhana during pregnancy?” Well, the answer is yes. In fact, makhana benefits in pregnancy, making it one […]
How To Preserve Your Eggs To Delay Your Pregnancy?
Egg freezing is also known as oocyte cryopreservation. This has gained popularity in the last 5 years. Healthcare professionals involve hormonal stimulation of the ovaries, in this process and follow it with retrieval and storage of viable eggs. This technique improves the chances of pregnancy even if the pregnancy is delayed. Once you are prepared to […]
Are You Pregnant? Reasons To Avoid Artificial Colours This Holi
Holi is the festival of colours, so there is no way of keeping them out of your Holi celebrations. However, choosing natural and safe colours can ensure they add only joy and no risk to your festivities. Holi is not the best festival for pregnant women, but that does not mean you must skip it […]
Pilates During Pregnancy—How Beneficial Is It?
Exercising during pregnancy is important. Research reveals exercising during pregnancy can keep away problems such as gestational hypertension, reduce labour duration, and give you a better chance of normal delivery. In addition, exercise benefits during pregnancy include better mental health and lower incidences of post-natal depression. Pilates for pregnant women is a simple, safe, and […]
Rib Pain During Pregnancy—Is It A Cause For Concern?
Pregnancy is a wonderful journey that a mother-to-be and the baby embark on together. During this phase, your body expands to make space for the growing baby, triggering major bodily changes and causing discomfort. As your organs get pushed by the growing uterus, you may experience rib pain during pregnancy. Many pregnant women who experience […]
Late Implantation Bleeding: Can It Affect Your Pregnancy?
Late Implantation bleeding occurs during early pregnancy and stops on its own after one or two days. Typically, implantation occurs between six and 10 days after the fertilization of the egg. At this time, many women experience spotting and light bleeding. However, in some cases, implantation occurs later, well after 10 days have passed. This […]
Nasal Congestion During Pregnancy: All That You Need to Know
A stuffy nose during the last couple of months of your pregnancy can be quite bothersome. You may worry that you are coming down with some infection that could affect your baby. However, rest assured that nasal congestion during pregnancy is common and affects more women than you may believe. The reason is that pregnancy […]
How To Treat Common Childhood Cancers With Cord Blood
Stem cell therapy can save lives. Today, it is possible to treat over 80 diseases using umbilical cord blood stem cell therapy. However, one area where saving cord blood is proving to be exceptionally helpful is in the treatment of childhood cancers. Here’s all you need to know. Unlike in adults, childhood cancer is caused […]
All You Need To Know About Pelvic Girdle Pain
First-time moms-to-be often stress about how their medical complaints can affect their baby. Sharp pain around the pelvis is one of them. Mostly, it could be pelvic girdle pain, a common and harmless side effect of pregnancy. During pregnancy, as your body supports and makes room for the growing baby, you may experience unpleasant side […]
Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas For Your Pregnant Partner
Who says you must skip Valentine’s Day celebrations because you are pregnant? The right gifts can make this day extra special for the mom-to-be. During pregnancy, some common restrictions may dampen your excitement, but they do not have to hamper your Valentine’s Day plans. With some consideration and planning, you too can have a happy, […]