We know how much you loved your face powders, eyeliners, shadows, and blushers before your pregnancy. You didn’t want to go out anywhere without them. If by chance, you went out anywhere without wearing even a kajal, your friends and relatives questioned you. However, from the time that you’re carrying your baby in your womb, […]
New Dads! You Have A Big Role To Play In Your Baby’s Development
Do you remember as a would-be- daddy how well you connected with the baby inside your partner’s womb? Although we know that: going for the prenatal check-ups with your wife Joining the antenatal classes together Designing the nursery together Making a birth plan hasn’t been easy for you. But, both of you as parents-to-be tried to meet […]
13 Home-Remedies For Swollen Feet During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a magical moment in your life. With every passing day, you see your baby bump growing and the eagerness to hold your little one in your arms also grows. However alongside this happiness to meet your cuddling little one. You might undergo several changes in your body and mind due to your soaring […]
Impact Of Physical Disability During Pregnancy and Childbirth
Your physical disability may not interfere with your chances of getting pregnant. Many women with physical disabilities can discourage by their family, friends, and even doctors from having a child. Many people feel that managing physical disability during pregnancy would be difficult for them. Some even fear that disability may get genetically transferred to the child. Other […]
Epilepsy During Pregnancy: What You Need To Know
Epilepsy is a neurological disorder in which the working of the nerve cell is disturbed leading to mild to severe seizures. Epilepsy in pregnancy can be worrisome. But, most women who have epilepsy during pregnancy are able to deliver healthy babies. You will need some extra care and assistance during your pregnancy. There are certain risks involved if […]
Steps To Reduce Infections During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is undoubtedly a wonderful phase in your life. You change your diet, change your lifestyle a little, and get pampered by friends and family members. Well! Pregnancy comes with its share of discomforts and challenges. You’re more susceptible to infections during the entire pregnancy journey. Why? Pregnancy infection occurs as your immune system is […]
Pregnant During Summer? 5 Summer Tips To Stay Cool
The moment you find your test results to be positive, you start wondering about a wonderful pregnancy journey. In fact, starting from taking the right kind of diet to doing regular exercise you do everything to keep yourself healthy during your pregnancy. Having said that, what if you’re pregnant during summer or your date of […]
Pregnancy Symptoms in Men: Is That Real?
Pregnancy is sheer happiness with its own share of challenges. Yes! You feel nauseous, have heartburn, bloating, aches cramps, and different types of irritation. Well! Did you know that male can also get similar pregnancy symptoms? Well, yes! Your partner can also experience pregnancy symptoms. Pregnancy symptoms in men are also known as Couvade syndromes […]
Hypertension During Pregnancy: A Simple But Complete Guide
We know that for you being a mother is an amazing feeling. With every passing day, you feel excited about the growing baby in your womb. Well! This excitement comes with a lot of physical and emotional challenges. One of the challenges is high blood pressure or hypertension during pregnancy. What is Hypertension in Pregnancy? […]
Do Babies Cry or Smile Inside the Womb: Things to Know
Pregnancy is a moment in your life, when you will undergo a lot of changes physically and emotionally. This moment is no doubt filled with challenges, but it is equally blissful and exciting. It’s fun for you to see your baby’s movement and response inside your womb. The scans show your baby is kicking, sucking, […]