The placenta, the most vital organ between you and your baby, during your pregnancy, is born out of the same cells as that of the embryo and attaches itself to the inner wall of the uterus. Placenta development during pregnancy takes place by the 12th week of your pregnancy and grows with the baby and […]
Is Your Newborn Baby Overweight? Know-How To Take Care!
You and your partner, and the rest of your family members are extremely happy to see you holding a chubby baby in your arms after the nine-months’ long emotional journey. But your doctor points out that the rolly-polly tummy is the sign of “Baby fat”, which may not be very healthy for your sweet little […]
Stretching During Pregnancy: Things You Need To Know
Embracing motherhood is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful feelings in your life. But since you’ll also be undergoing several pregnancy discomforts, adopting a healthy lifestyle would surely make your life a lot easier and better. Therefore, besides having a nutritious balance of food, staying active, basically doing some pregnancy-safe exercises and yoga can help […]
Child’s Psychology: How To Know Your Child Better?
Children are the most beautiful gifts from God. Of course, such a wonderful gift in your life is like a blessing. Isn’t it? We’re sure that, you love the sweetness, innocence, and naughty activities of your child. But, as parents, you should also know that your child’s mind is no less than a piece of […]
Essential Oils That Are Beneficial In Pregnancy or Postpartum
Essential oils are often used in aromatherapy, a form of alternative medicine that employs plant extracts to support health and well-being. For thousands of years, many people from various countries have understood the natural goodness of these essential oils and used them as methods of holistic treatment for many ailments. In fact, there is a […]
Should You Be Worried About Migraine During Pregnancy?
Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful feelings in this whole world. You, like the other mums-to-be, feel an umbilical cord connection with the life growing inside you. In fact, you are extremely excited and about welcoming your baby, into your life. Nevertheless, pregnancy comes with its own set of challenges. And, you might experience […]
Christmas Is Here! Planned The Christmas Gift For Your Pregnant Wife?
Christmas is that time of the year when you and the ones you love are close to each other, spreading happiness, love and magic in the air. However, this Christmas is very special for you. Amidst all your loved ones, this Christmas, you have your wife who’s expecting your baby. She has already surprised you […]
Is It Safe To Diet While You’re Breastfeeding
During these nine-months’ long journey, while you were waiting to hold your little one in your arms, it was not unnatural for you to gain some weight and look fat. Mostly through the calorie-intake from your food. However, once your baby has popped out, and you’ve have started breastfeeding, you might think that you’ll lose […]
Is It Safe To Use Hot Water During Pregnancy?
Warm water has a soothing effect on you, especially at the end of the day. Isn’t it? But you might want to know if it is safe to have a warm water bath during pregnancy? Also drinking warm water boosts your energy level and helps in your digestion and weight loss. But is it safe […]
You’re 5 Months Pregnant! And Wondering What To Wear?
Earlier you used to be extremely conscious about your health and appearance… Eating healthy, exercising daily, and trying to fit into the clothes that you liked. Now that you’re pregnant, it’s obvious that your body will undergo several changes. With your baby bump growing you may find yourself struggling to figure out what will fit […]