Once you’ve delivered your baby, the phlebotomist cuts and clamps the umbilical cord (along with the umbilical cord blood) to separate you from the baby, and the blood gets collected for umbilical cord blood banking. However, at the same time, the healthcare practitioner will advise you to be very vigilant with your baby’s belly button. […]
How Do You Know That A Cord Blood Bank Is Safe?
Learning about the self-repairing power of cord blood stem cells, there are many expecting parents who decide upon umbilical cord blood banking and bear the cost for it. After all, thinking about the health and safety of the baby, before his or her arrival is the responsibility of an expecting parent. And undoubtedly, they choose […]
What To Eat While You’re Trying For Pregnancy?
The gift of pregnancy is the most beautiful gift in a woman’s life. However, the reasons for not being able to conceive at the right time can be many – lifestyle choices, genetic or medical. But if you have been only blaming yourself for not being able to become pregnant, remember enjoying parenthood is teamwork. […]
Can Cord Blood Stem Cells Be Used To Treat Your Premature Baby
When a baby is born before the 37 weeks of pregnancy, it is a premature birth. Such mothers might go into labor early and the causes of premature birth manifold: placental abruption, thinning and dilating of cervix, fluctuations in the hormones and infection causing bacteria and virus, during pregnancy. Inspite of these problems, the baby […]
World Cord Blood Day Quiz Contest 2021
Join us in celebrating World Cord Blood Day 2021. Participate and get a chance to win exciting gift vouchers. After completing the quiz tag 3 of your friends and use #CordlifeIndia #WorldCordBloodDay2021 #WCBD2021QuizContest T & C for Winner Selection Participants who answer all the questions correctly will only receive the gift voucher. Cordlife employees can […]
Do You Know The History Of Cord Blood and Cord Blood Banking?
Stem cell transplantation has been considered as the most promising approach towards treating a few malignant diseases of the blood and the bone marrow. These stem cells come from the bone marrow and the peripheral blood and the first bone marrow transplant was successfully done to treat leukaemia, in 1956. However, cord blood stem […]
The First Ultrasound Scan – An Expecting Dad’s Window to Reality
Your partner has shared the news with you and “Oh My God” both of you are feeling at the top of the world. Most importantly, till the time she hits the 12th week of her pregnancy, when she will actually undergo her first ultrasound scan during pregnancy, you know that the pregnancy is confirmed and […]
Discomforts During Pregnancy? Did You Try Out These Natural Remedies?
You might have been thinking about it for quite a few days now. But today when you saw the two markers on your pregnancy strip, you’ve got butterflies in your stomach and a huge smile on your face…. You seem to be pregnant… Isn’t it? You share it with your partner and both of you […]
What Is Chronic Myelogenous Leukaemia? Can Cord Blood Treat It?
This is the story of Lucas, a young boy, who was active and lived a normal life till he turned 10 years old. But after that, he felt constantly lethargic and had a poor appetite, without any reason. He also lost weight immensely and suffered from bouts of fever and vomiting. Lucas underwent several treatments […]
Are Cramps Normal During Early Pregnancy?
It’s just been a month or two that you’ve got the good news of your pregnancy, and you’ve already started preparing to complete the healthiest journey till such time that you’ve delivered your baby. But, did you know that, passing the first stages of your pregnancy might not be that easy? You might be gheraoed […]