Thalassemias are a heterogeneous group of genetically transmitted disorders characterized by anaemia, jaundice, and increased size of liver and spleen. Anaemia, the hallmark symptom is due to premature destruction of red blood cells in the bone marrow for the defective haemoglobin they synthesize and possess, a direct impact of the faulty genes. Symptoms of Thalassemia […]
All You Need to Know About Caring For Your Baby’s Teeth and Gums
Babies are born with their primary teeth hidden in the jaws. At around six months of age, the teeth begin to appear. Even though it takes time for the teeth to appear, you should not delay dental care. Dentists suggest that dental and gum care should begin as early as possible. Establishing good dental practices […]
How Can Pregnant Women Keep Body Odour Away?
A sudden fluctuation in metabolic rates coupled with increased blood flow makes your glands work overtime. Besides that, your nose will start picking up on the faintest of smells. And soon, you will notice that you no longer smell as nice as before. Body odour can make you feel conscious and even embarrassed. However, before […]
Labour Pain Relief: Epidural vs Spinal Block
Having a baby is exciting and nerve-racking at the same time. Before you can feel the excitement of holding your little one in your arms, there’s the hard work of labour that you need to go through. There’s one part of delivery that no woman looks forward to – and that’s labour pain. Expecting a […]
A Closer Look At Autism And Its Impact
Autism is not a disease that can be cured with medication. Instead, it is a condition where the individual requires support, care, and understanding of others. So, in this month dedicated to Autism, let’s take some time to understand it and sensitize ourselves to the needs of autistic individuals. What Is Autism? Autism Spectrum Disorder […]
Is My Baby’s Weight Normal?
If you’re worrying about whether your baby is growing normally, join the club! It’s a very common factor that’s a cause for concern for most new parents. If your baby falls under the average weight, you believe that they may be ill, and if they are over the average weight, you may begin to worry […]
What Signs Show That Your Child Is Autistic? How to Deal with It?
Autism is usually described as a spectrum disorder because the signs, symptoms, and abilities are different for each patient. And it can be tough to diagnose initially. Most kids with ASD apparently have a usual infanthood and parents are unable to detect any significant warning sign. They sit, crawl, eat, and sleep like any other […]
Labour Augmentation: What Does It Mean?
Sometimes, mommy, you may start feeling the contractions and rush to the hospital thinking you are about to give birth. However, for some reason, your contractions slow down or get stalled, or your cervix stops expanding. In such a situation, your doctor will recommend augmentation of labour. How is it Different From Induced Labour? Induced […]
Don’t Let Crooked Teeth Get in the Way of Your Baby’s Happiness
Your little one’s toothy smile can make your days brighter. However, if you notice the milk teeth coming in crooked, it can be a cause for worry, even if you know that these are only temporary teeth and your baby will soon shed them for a set of permanent pearly whites. There is a possibility […]
Can Stem Cell Therapy Treat Alzheimer’s?
Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia that affects nerve cells in different parts of our brain. One of its first symptoms is memory lapses or even a struggle to find common words. As the disease progresses, it’s known to cause confusion, mood swings and severe lapses in memory. While the cause […]