Eating healthy and in the right quantum, makes living healthy too. Similar is the theory and practice for the pregnant mothers as well. Due to the fluctuating pregnancy hormones; her cravings are at all-time high. With the convenience of getting processed or junk food at the doorstep, through the food-ordering apps, she also gets the […]
Can Stems Cells Help in Reproduction?
Creating an embryo or sperm with the help of stem cells from any part of the body may seem like something out of a science fiction movie or novel. However, research suggests otherwise. At present, stem cells are being used to treat a wide range of diseases that range from Leukemia to Sickle Cell Disease. […]
Should You Be Worried About Blood Clots During Pregnancy?
While movies and series show pregnancy to be nothing more than a big belly and some cravings, it is different for every woman in real-life pregnancy. Some mommies seem to breeze through their trimesters; others go through a rollercoaster journey filled with morning sickness, mood swings, food aversions, placenta previa, and so on. However, few […]
Everything You Need to Know About Velamentous Cord Insertion
When it comes to your growing baby, the umbilical cord is their lifeline. It carries everything your baby needs for survival and also disposes of your baby’s waste. Hence, is there is an abnormality in their umbilical cord can put your pregnancy at a greater risk. One such abnormality is a velamentous cord insertion, in […]
Keep Cold & Flu Away From Infants
Your child getting the flu is almost inevitable, but it’s important to keep these viruses away when they are infants. Their immune systems are still developing, making them highly susceptible to the 200+ different viruses that can cause the cold. Thankfully, there are steps you can take to prevent your child from getting sick with […]
8 Tips To Choose A Gynecologist
It’s not easy for most women to talk about the most intimate parts of your body and your life. So, whether you’re planning to have a baby or have just found out that you’re pregnant, you need to find the right gynecologist for you. How do you do that? Here are some tips: Recommendations Consult […]
Is Your Baby Suffering From Breast Milk Jaundice?
Your nine months’ long wait is finally over! Your little one has arrived, and when the nurse places the new-born in your arms, you realise that you have given birth to a beautiful little princess. But, after a few weeks, your baby’s skin and eyes starts giving you jitters. Both seems to have turned a […]
Everything You Should Know About Birth Injuries
Injuries or trauma that occurs before, during or immediately after the birthing process is known as birth injuries. Birth injuries are unfortunate and often occur due to medical negligence. While some injuries are mild, others can be severe and life threatening. Some injuries even leave the child disabled for a lifetime. Types of Birth Injuries […]
I Am Overdue. Now What?
Normally, a pregnancy that lasts about 40 weeks is called a full-term pregnancy. This is measured as 280 days from the first day of the last menstrual cycle. Post-term, extended, or delayed is the name of a pregnancy that lasts for more than 42 weeks. Prenatal care will continue after you pass your due date. […]
Know About the Common Skin Conditions in Infants
Infants have delicate skin that needs special care. Many infants develop skin conditions after birth. Most of the skin diseases in infants are temporary and go away on their own after a few days. Following are a few common skin conditions in infants. Infantile Desquamation This is a common skin condition that affects most babies […]