Premature birth or preterm birth is used to describe a baby born before 37 weeks of gestation. It is common for mommies to go into labour early due to various reasons. However, the baby can still be born healthy and without any complications. In other cases, depending on the cause of premature birth, it may […]
What Does Baby Dropping Mean When You Are Pregnant?
Your family or friends would have mentioned that your baby bump looks lower than usual. They are, in fact, referring to a known as Lightening or Baby Dropping. It is a major precursor to the baby’s arrival. What it actually means is that your baby’s head descends lower into the pelvis into a position more […]
Is Your “Plus-size” Giving Your Pregnancy a Tough Time? Know the Risks and Ways to Deal With It
The nine months long journey is not rosy throughout. Every expecting mummy undergoes several ups and downs. But, if you are one among those 50% pregnant women who is “plus-size”, that is, if your body weight (Body Mass Index (BMI)) according to the Centers for Diseases and Prevention (CDC) is falling between the range of […]
Understanding The Umbilical Cord
The umbilical cord is a connection between mom and her baby that begins well before the baby is born. Whatever the baby needs for survival inside the womb reaches him/her via this cord. Not only does it supply blood to the developing fetus, but it also carries essential nutrients to the womb. The Make-up of […]
Vacuum Extraction During Delivery
Vacuum extraction, or ventouse, is a process that uses a vacuum system to help extract your baby from the birth canal. It is used in the “pushing” phase of labor, if sufficient progress hasn’t been made. It could be a quicker and safer alternative than delivery with forceps or a caesarean section. When is Vacuum Extraction Recommended? […]
Caring for Your Baby’s Skin in Winter
Simple changes to how you care for your baby can help to keep their body moisturized for a lot longer. In infants, skin growth is significantly higher than in adults and is distinguished by a greater potential to restore itself as an obstacle. Let’s take a look at some easy self-care tips that can provide […]
8 Ways To Baby-Proof Your Home
When you are expecting a baby, there is so much to do. Making your home a safe haven for your baby is definitely on the list. Enter baby proofing, which is a lot more work than we think. When do you need to do it? Since your baby would start moving around the house at […]
Labor Positions For a Comfortable Delivery
As you count down the days till you meet your little one, you’re also getting ready for the last stage of your pregnancy – labor and delivery. While it is believed that lying on your back with legs spread wide is the best position for labor and delivery, there are a variety of labor positions […]
Does Your Baby Have An Intolerance to Milk?
When you think of food for your baby, your mind first goes to milk. However, babies sometimes react to cow’s milk or formula, which could either be lactose intolerance or a milk allergy. In these cases, you’d need to avoid milk or reduce how much milk your baby consumes. While your baby may grow out […]
Having A C-Section Delivery? Should You Consider Vaginal Seeding?
Have you been advised to undergo a C-section delivery? Then, at the very outset, let us tell you that, one of the reasons why vaginal birth is still preferred over C-section is that, babies born vaginally come into contact with good microbiota or bacteria, from the mother’s vaginal fluid, as they travel down the birth […]