Welcome to the 9th Week of Pregnancy. You are coming to a close in your first trimester. And the changes are going to be more evident, more visual now. The placenta has formed by this time and that is the lifeline between you and the baby-to-be. In this way, both your baby and your body […]
Food Additives That Must be Avoided During Pregnancy
To all the to-be mamas, here I have came up today to tell you about your food habits. You must know that nutrition is the most important thing during pregnancy needed for the growth of your baby. You must remain aware about the foods that are to be eaten during pregnancy. Your gynaecologist/obstetrician might have […]
Can Stem Cells Treatment Be Considered To Treat Shingles Disease?
Shingles a viral infection, also known as herpes zoster is a painful rash and found in the nerves as well as surface of the skin. Shingles is mainly caused by the virus which causes chickenpox. Along with the pain it also causes peripheral neuropathy resulting in the damage of the body’s peripheral nerves. The damage […]
How to Care Your Baby’s Cord Stump?
The umbilical cord is a tube-like structure that binds the unborn child to the mom’s uterus. Immediately after the birth the umbilical cord is clamped and cut. This procedure is painless but after cutting of the umbilical cord a small stump is left behind. This stump is of bluish colour and is about a quarter […]
Eight Weeks – Completion of Second Month
Congratulations to all the mothers those who had completed their seventh week of pregnancy. Now that you have entered into week eight, it is the time to complete your second month of pregnancy. You may not start showing your baby bump but like other women you will feel your pregnancy. At time you will have […]
Seventh Week – Shows the Progress of First Trimester of Pregnancy
You must be very happy that your pregnancy is progressing and now it’s the seventh week. The growth inside your belly is going on at a rapid speed. Within these seven weeks your embryo has grown up to 10,000 times bigger from the size of a zygote. You must be eager to know about your […]
Is Blood donation Safe During Pregnancy?
At the time of pregnancy your body undergoes various changes. So, you must understand that during this period you have to take an extra care about yourself and your baby. You might be a regular blood donor but during pregnancy you must not opt for donating the blood. The reason behind is that at the […]
6th Week of Pregnancy: What to Expect From the Expecting Mother and the Would-be Baby
Congratulations! It’s been a little less than a week since you conceived and shared the good news with your partner and the rest of your family. No doubt you’re excited about this feeling of embracing motherhood. However, by 6th week of your pregnancy, both your body and mind already have started sinking into the feeling […]
Fifth Week, is The Time to Get a Positive Test
Welcome to the fifth week of pregnancy which is the beginning of second month and you’re just seven months to go. The embryo is still very tiny but growing at a fast pace. The first trimester of pregnancy is very important for the development of your child, so you need to bring the utmost care […]
Rejoice Your Love with Your Baby of 12th Week….
After you completed the duration of week 11, now you entered into your second trimester. This is the time of your 3 months of pregnancy when the size of your baby is like a plum. This week is landmark for your baby asthis is the most important time when most of the organs and body […]