Pregnancy for a woman sometimes become more difficult than our imagination. During pregnancy the changes both physical as well as emotional becomes challenging. During this whole time along with the hormonal changes and cravings for food, the skin also experiences some changes. This change is known as pregnancy glow and it may start at different […]
Reasons to Save My Baby’s Cord Blood.
After a baby is born, the blood left in the umbilical cord and placenta has unique cells in it which can treat and cure certain serious diseases. The blood can be collected and stored — and many private cord blood banking companies are encouraging parents to do the preservation in case that their child or any family […]
How Much Beneficial is the Stem Cell Preservation!!!
The blood that remains in the umbilical cord after the delivery of baby is known as the cord blood. The cord blood is a rich source of stem cells that can be collected by a painless method. Cord blood banking is the method by which the cord blood is collected and its stem cells and […]
Trouble in Calculating Your Due Date
Are you getting confused about your due date? Do not worry when you know the date of conception of your baby. By knowing the conceiving date, you will be able to calculate your estimated due date. Your physician will start asking questions at your first your prenatal examination for predicting your due date as accurately […]
Weekend Activities for Toddlers
You probably never have much time for activities during the week. On vacation and on the weekend, of course, it looks different. It is very easy for you to find activities around the house or outside that you can enjoy with your toddler. Hide and Seek Hide-and-seek does not just mean that one of you […]
Things to Be Learned During Pregnancy
Pregnancy causes enormous changes, both physical and mental in the mother. A stable mood and good physical condition are very important for the excellent progress of the pregnancy. We advise you always to discuss your pregnancy with your doctor. Some nutritional advice During your pregnancy, your baby’s diet depends on what you eat. It is […]
Problems Occurring to Babies if Parents are Non-interactive
All children are born with the basic need to establish a stable and secure relation with both the parents which is called “attachment.” It is the nature of the babies that they quickly form a bond of attachment with the person who is staying with them. It can therefore be said that relationships of the […]
Some Myths About Pregnancy
Pregnancy period is the most difficult time as it is exciting as well as confusing. There are friend, family and relatives who will introduce you to various type of myths of pregnancy. All of these myths can make you confuse what to believe and what not to believe. Most of the myths cannot be matched […]
Cordlife India Women’s Day Celebration
Contest Name: Cordlife India Celebrates Women’s Day with Expecting Mothers Contest for: Pregnant Women/Pregnant Couple Contest Brief: Participants will have to send their full-length self-photograph/Couple Photograph to Cordlife India. Participants will have to mail the snaps at with subject line ” Women’s Day Celebration” as well as post the same on Facebook, tagging Cordlife at #CordlifeIndia […]
Placenta – A New Source of Storing Stem Cells
When a woman becomes pregnant for the first time, they had to make many decisions. During pregnancy, the umbilical cord is the life of the baby attached to the placenta. The umbilical cord contains two feet twisted long vein which transports oxygen and nutrients from the mother’s placenta. Also, two arteries which carries oxygen as […]