As pregnancy progresses, many changes are brought about in the body of a woman. Your growing belly is one of the most exciting changes! Flaunting the baby bump is an exciting feeling, but with it you might face a new challenge, and that’s itching on your belly. Yes, in pregnancy itching on the stomach is […]
Foods To Be Avoided During Pregnancy
Food is a very important thing for the pregnant lady. While you and your baby are fed with good food, potentially harmful food can pose a serious risk. It is therefore important to determine to what to eat when pregnant after seeing the second line on the pregnancy test. Healthy food for pregnant women is […]
Gold Coin Offer March & April’2019
*T&C (Triple Combo Offer) Offer is valid for the month of April’ 2019. The Offer cannot be clubbed with any other monetary discounts. Offer would be applicable only for One time and Flexi-12 payment schedule for Cordplus CB+CT plan and above. *T&C (Women’s Day Offer) Offer is valid for the month of April, 2019 The […]
Need of Father – Baby time
With the arrival of the baby, some fathers feel a bit clumsy. They are sometimes intimidated by the almost fusional relationship between their child and their spouse. If this is your case, how can you take your place as dad and bond with baby from birth? Studies show that the father plays an extraordinary role […]
How to Choose Baby Diapers
From his birth to the moment when he can finally do without it, the comfort of your baby largely depends on the diapers you choose. Disposable or Washable Diapers? Difficult to remove, disposable diapers are still used by a vast majority of parents. However, the new washable cloth diapers different from the previously used clothes, […]
Effect of Fish Oil As a Supplement During Pregnancy
During pregnancy proper diet is necessary for the development of both physical and mental growth of a child. Particularly the intake of fish and its supplements is too much helpful for the health of the mother and her baby. The fish supplements contain a long chain of unsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA) which is very important […]
10 Parenting Tips After Delivery of The Baby
Becoming a parent is the best job in the world. It is also one of the most challenging tasks as each parent wants to provide the best education for their child. As the newborn adapts to the outside world, his parents welcome a new person in their life, who could offer them the best moments […]
How to Control the Diet of a Woman Before and After Pregnancy
During and after pregnancy, the body of the pregnant woman provides the baby with all the elements necessary for its proper growth: proteins, fats, sugar, vitamins, and minerals. Therefore, it is important to eat well during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The energy and nutrient requirement is more significant during this time. Women who eat well during […]
A boost in Blood Cancer Cure
Detection of leukemia in a person makes that person and their family worried about the patient’s life; but most of the people are now-a-days treated and they are getting cured by different types of treatment. Blood cancer is one of the life-threatening diseases throughout the world. Although medical science had delivered us with different treatment […]
Latest Breakthrough in Cord Blood Stem Cell Therapy
A stem cell transplant is an infusion of healthy blood-forming cells or stem cells to replace the cells that are destroyed by various reasons. The reasons can involve stems destroyed by disease, by radiation or consuming high doses of anticancer drugs that are given to a patient as part of any procedure. These healthy stem […]