Days of clinical research empower scientists to discover novel methods using stem cells to develop more humanlike tiny kidneys. This is something, which is not as new to us as we had enough of such research-based organ development for kidney impairments earlier as well. More the number of new methods to investigate etiologies of kidney […]
Super-obese Patient-derived iPSC Hypothlamic Neurons Exhibit Obesogenic Signatures and Hormone Responses
Obesity is a growing concern for the upcoming generation, and it has been a leading health problem for people across the world for many years now. Most surprisingly, we did not have any potential therapeutics to ward off its complications, adding to our woes and dilemma. The reasons could be a lack of transparent methodical […]
Nutrition During Pregnancy With Allergies
What is the key source of nutrition for you and your baby when you are pregnant? Anything that you eat and drink is a key, as they provide a huge source of nourishment for your baby and you. So, when you are pregnant, you are advised to take all things nutritious to maximize prenatal nutrition. […]
New Non Embryonic Stem Cell Study Shows Progress With Parkinson’s Disease
As with many diseases, a neurological disorder like Parkinson’s, is hopeful to achieve a better and satisfactory outcome with a stem cell transplant. Ever since, the inception of human embryonic stem cells had been revolutionized in the lab in 1988, it was supposedly thought to eliminate the ill-effects of the disorder. Despite having super potential […]
How to Share The Joy Of Music With Your Baby
Music- it is so harmonious to your ears when it really yields a feeling of joy to your heart. The music has the power and is an advanced skill believed to spread joy throughout a lifetime. Not only does it limit its goodness to mesmerize you, it is equally beneficial for your kids too. Multiple […]
Genetically Modified Skin Cells Saved a 7-year Old Boy’s Life
A remarkable achievement in the world of regenerative medicine, especially for victims of severe burns and suffering from skin conditions, came forward when scientists reported that they were able to successfully engraft modified stem cells in order to grow skin over a 7 year old boy. Suffering from genetic disease known as Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa […]
Getting Ready for the Big Day: Preparing for Labour & Delivery
There are always some jitters when it comes to the Big Day of delivery. With every passing day the mother becomes more and more conscious and the nerves start to act outlandishly at times. The idea is to remain calm and know what to do under pressure. Check out this exclusive list of activities that […]
Natural Birth and Cord Blood Banking: What You Need to know
If you’ve not had much time to delve into the subject of cord blood banking and if you can opt for it in case of a natural birth, then here’s your chance. The blood that remains in your baby’s umbilical cord, post birth is known as the cord blood. Earlier, the umbilical cord was treated […]
Do You Need To Worry About Thumb-sucking?
There is a constant debate amongst parents that whether or not they should allow their babies to continue sucking their thumbs. There are both pros and cons of thumb sucking amongst children. Sucking of thumb is a very natural tendency for infants. They suck their thumbs when they need comfort or even when they are […]
Chicken Pox and Pregnancy
You may be immune if you’ve had chicken pox before, especially if you’ve been vaccinated. The prevention rate is as high as 80-85% for ones who’ve received the vaccination. Hence, whilst the chances are low, but there are few women who do get chicken pox during their pregnancy. The approximate range would be about 1 […]