Mindfulness is paying attention to the purpose and accepting the present moment. Therefore, mindfulness during childbirth is a preparation to develop a relationship with yourself, with your partner and with your family. According to a recent study, mindfulness can help the pregnant woman to overcome delivery anxiety and maintain a sense of calm. It also […]
I’m Not Comfortable in My Postpartum Body
Having my little princess was a prayer answered! The moment my pregnancy report was affirmative, I leapt in joy, almost envisioning the moment when I will be cuddling my newborn and start parenting, which I had been anticipating for a while now. Today, after undergoing a C-section and having my baby, I indeed have all […]
How Morning Sickness and Motion Sickness Correlated During Pregnancy
Morning sickness is one of the signs of early pregnancy. Normally, morning sickness occurs around the 4th week of early pregnancy and gets resolved between the 12th and 14th week. In some cases, 1 in 5 women, suffer from morning sickness throughout their second trimester. Some pregnant woman, experience morning sickness throughout the whole pregnancy […]
Handling Restless Leg Syndrome During Pregnancy
Restless legs syndrome is a neurological disorder, which affects the sensorimotor of the body. The physiological process of the disorder is still unclear, but the prevalence of the disorder is high amongst the patients depending on their primary and secondary etiological conditions. Genetic issue is the primary reason for the patients developing this disorder, while […]
Digestion Troubles During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is an amazing time in a woman’s life to experience wonderful changes in the body and to experience your baby growing inside you. Sadly, some hormonal changes during pregnancy can affect your digestive system and cause annoying discomforts.So, want to know how pregnancy creates digestive and gastrointestinal problems? Nausea During pregnancy, 90% of women […]
Cord Blood Banking: Which Option Is The Best For You?
As a pregnant lady, you and your partner have to make couple of important decisions, other than thinking about how to raise your little one. Having thoughts on giving your child a healthy food regime and following the best parenting practice must be hovering on your mind. But here’s where you need to make some […]
Coping with Leukemia Through Cord Blood Treatment
We all seem to be aware of the deadly effects of leukemia, especially in infants. The prevalence of the disease interferes with every sphere of our daily lives and activities. A combination of chemotherapy and stem cell transplant can find us relief though; they expose us to minor to severe side effects, including graft-versus-host-disease (GVHD), […]
Building a Spinal Cord Comes Down to Location, Location, Location
The brain and spinal cord are integral parts of the neural tube, which develop from the embryonic cells. During the formation of the neural tube, the morphogen gradients situated in the anti-parallel position regulate the development of the system. When the cells of the neural tube mature with a variety of cells, they lie in […]
Banking a Baby’s Cord Blood May Save Their Life, Is It Worth?
Amidst all the other do’s and don’ts, expecting parents have yet another decision to ponder on! That of cord blood banking. Keeping in mind the innumerable success stories that are circling round the globe, of how sibling’s cord blood stem cell has saved her elder or younger sister’s life to miraculous recovery within the family, […]
Balancing Conflicting Claims About Cord Blood Banking
Families that are about to welcome a new born baby often gets flooded with endless suggestions and questions. It circles everything from fixing the best baby name to the best baby diet, to keep the new born healthy and fit. And today, parents-to be are faced with yet another crucial question, i.e. whether or not […]