Is it possible to imagine a world free from Autism? Or practically a world where medical feats help to treat Autism back to normalcy? This wishful thinking might just translate into reality. Thanks to the research on regenerative medicines using cord blood cells. Recently, a group of researchers have been working to discover that cord […]
Study Reveals How To Reprogram Cells In Our Immune System
Our immune system is calibrated to provide us with specific protection shields against harmful diseases, and other conditions too. On being influenced by the excessive active cells and intruder cells, interfering with its physical functions, our immune system is more likely to lose its strength to fight diseases, and as a result it causes a […]
Stem Cell Agency Funds Phase 3 Clinical Trial For Lou Gehrig’s Disease
A neurodegenerative disease when occurred leads us to a series of complications all together. The occurrence of this devastating disease exposes us to dysarthria – a condition in which we cannot speak properly, dyspnea- a distress in breathing, and also dysphagia, which deteriorates our ability to swallow easily. It is rapidly characterized by an intense […]
Skin Grafts Fight Diabetes and Obesity
We are well aware of the link between diabetes and obesity. While the exact etiology of diabetes is still unclear, there are some factors, which double the risks of glucose intolerances in us, and obesity or weight gain are amongst those factors. With the body mass index or BMI being at 30 or more, it […]
How Mice and Zebrafish Are Unlocking Clues to Repairing Damaged Hearts?
Unexpected that unassuming mice and zebrafish can help repair damaged hearts, a new study has revealed. The zebrafish has the ability to stitch its severed spine again and the mouse has a substance surrounding its hearts that can patch up the injured or broken heart. The researchers injected the extracellular matrix of the zebrafish into […]
Pave The Way For Healthy Sleep Habits During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a time when you are prone to sleepless nights. When you frequently catch yourself being wide awake at 2:30 am, you are far away from a healthy sleep cycle! And the impacts of which you may have already started to feel or will feel in the forthcoming days. Excess fatigue, tired looking skin […]
Dad Diary: Baby starts kicking
Being a mother is probably the most joyous experience for a woman! The fact that she is now the vessel of a new life brings her immense happiness and a tad bit apprehension, because every mother wants a safe delivery so that their little one can walk out of the womb all healthy to experience […]
Dad Diary: The Best Mood Swing Story
Now that I have my little one sleeping peacefully in my arms, I can look upon all the 3 trimesters of my wife’s pregnancy and our journey with mood swings with a light-hearted smile. Sailing through the experience was certainly puzzling and fearful at times. So, here’s the story! When the doctor affirmed my wife’s […]
Cord Blood Banking For Potential Future Transplantation
Despite all the planning and caution, life seems to be unpredictable at one phase or the other! And it’s mostly, when individuals are faced with a health crisis, where the ailment at hand is chronic and irreversible. Humans try to secure the health of their children and loved ones in many ways. One such way […]
A New Hope to Make the World Cancer Free with UC Irvine
Whenever anyone suffers from cancer, chemotherapy is the most well-known option that they receive from the doctors. This is true that taking chemotherapy can save or extend the life of a cancer patient, but taking chemotherapy is just like destroying an ant hill with an atom-bomb. The chemotherapy drugs not only divide the cancer cell […]