Umbilical cord blood plays a potent role in treating life-threatening ailments like sickle cell anaemia, lymphoma, leukaemia and the like. Today, over 25,000 patients round the globe have had cord blood transplants since their parents had a long-term vision that made them donate the child’s umbilical cord blood to a prominent cord blood bank. In […]
When To Expect Those First Words?
I never knew babies would be such a delight. All I knew was ‘babies are adorable’. But when I had my own baby, I came to know that babies do many wacky things apart from just being adorable. In spite of all those wacky things, I admit that babies are still adorable. I also learnt […]
The value of Cord Blood in Medicine today
Cord blood has opened a new gateway in the field of alternative medicine. Even though the concept of cord blood has been around since 1983, the first ever successful cord blood transplant was conducted on a six year old boy, who was suffering from Fanconi’s Anemia in 1983. Since then umbilical cord blood has been […]
Pregnancy After the 40s Is Not Dangerous If You Take Necessary Precautions
My mother always wondered how female celebs postpone their childbirth till their 40’s. I have heard medical professionals over the years stating that 30 years is the ideal for a woman to give birth to healthy children. Down’s syndrome and congenital abnormalities are on the list of possibilities if one has to bear a child […]
Scientists Grow Diseased Brain Cells in Bulk to Study Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases
Researchers who work on neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease need to access diseased human brain cells very frequently. In that process, they create diseased human brain cells from human pluripotent stem cells in the lab. However, the main problem in the procedure is, they cannot regenerate enough diseased neurons to study the diseases […]
Cord Blood Stem Cell Breakthroughs – Lung Disease-Kidney and Lupus
Umbilical cord blood is a rich source of stem cells. These cells are the specialized cells that are able to differentiate into other types of cells. They also have the ability to replace affected cells with new cells. For this reason, cord blood stem cells have been used in many transplants, where patients require regrowth […]
An Algorithm That Makes It Easier To See Stem Cell Development
Stanford University School of Medicine researchers invented a new algorithm, Baxter Algorithm, to track adult stem cell development more accurately. The main idea was to overcome the difficulties in treating muscle related problems that eventually lead to aging. According to the research, growing stem cells in the muscle, especially on the developed synthetic matrix, try […]
Accreditation is Key in Securing a Cord Blood Transplant
Umbilical cord blood plays a potent role in treating life-threatening ailments like sickle cell anaemia, lymphoma, leukaemia and the like. Today, over 25,000 patients round the globe have had cord blood transplants since their parents had a long-term vision that made them donate the child’s umbilical cord blood to a prominent cord blood bank. In […]
When Will Your Baby Understand a “No”?
Although it is surprising, it is a proven fact that parents encourage the habit of crying in infants by attending to them when they “cry”. Being the most intelligent species on earth, human babies take no time to understand that they are being attended to when they cry out for any reason. Parents try to […]
Storing Cord Blood: Can We Evaluate Today the Clinical Potential?
Do you know what the building blocks of our blood and immune system are? Stem cells. These stem cells have the potential to grow into different types of cells in order to repair cell damage in the associated tissues and organs. For this reason, stem cells are considered a major component in the modern regenerative […]