Stem cells have been the reason for so many successful clinical trials for decades. It has not only been proven effective for more than 80 diseases and disorders, but it has also been responsible for various miraculous stories. Lucy Hinchion has such an inspiring story. She is the youngest child in medical history, who has […]
Cancer-causing Mutations in Blood Stem Cells May Also Link to Heart Disease
What causes heart diseases? We know that sometimes bad genes are responsible for it while sometimes unhealthy lifestyle is to be blamed for various heart conditions. But there is another factor that may take a toll on your heart as well. According to a latest research published in the New England Journal of Medicine, heart […]
Antibody To Make Stem Cells Safer
The use of stem cells is nothing new to today’s regenerative treatment. Physicians and scientists have been making use of these stem cells in treating various diseases and disorders for decades. But there are still some arguments present on the effectiveness of stem cells and the risks associated. Now you must be thinking what risk […]
Have Scientists Discovered a Natural Way To Boost Muscle Regeneration?
Many athletes take painkillers regularly after intense workout sessions. The reason being, any muscle injury, inflammation, soreness, stiffness and aches can be handled with these medicines. But a new study suggests that these anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs often harm the muscles rather than doing any good. A Stanford Medicine study supports this view and proposes a […]
False Positive Pregnancy Test Before and After Your Period
The confirmation of pregnancy for women can arouse mixed responses in them as it is the most awaited news for some and a threatening one for others. Both categories of women anxiously wait before the result appears on the pregnancy test kit. Mayo clinic states that results from the home pregnancy kits are 99% accurate. […]
Dad Diary – Stepping Into The 2nd Trimester
When our doctor said that the 2nd trimester had started, I was a little perplexed and at the same time was wondering what to expect from this phase. If the 1st trimester brought along morning sickness, extreme mood swings and immense fatigue, what would the 2nd trimester accompany with! When I shared my concern with […]
Cord Blood Transplant – A Better Alternative to Bone Marrow Transplant
Cord blood transplant is not a new technique in the history of personalized medicine. Since 1988, it has been around and has been treating many critical diseases and disorders. Many scientists and doctors are of the opinion that cord blood makes a better alternative to bone marrow for patients, who require a stem cell transplant. […]
Can Alcohol or Drugs Affect a Pregnancy Test?
This is reported as one of the most common questions posed by the people who are in the phase of checking the pregnancy results. It is the curiosity or the anxiety for positive or negative results of pregnancy. Similarly, it is the most common myth or misconception that people have in their minds that a […]
Say Hello To EVATAR, a Mini Female Reproductive System On a 3D Chip
You might have noticed two unlinked things here in the title of the article. First, EVATAR. You must be thinking if it’s the sequel of AVATAR. But wait. It’s not. Now coming to the second one: A mini female reproductive system on a 3D chip. If you are assuming that it’s a plot of a […]
One Scientist’s Quest to Understand Autism Using Stem Cells
Meet Alysson Muotri, an autism researcher and a professor at UC San Diego. His research mostly revolves around autism and how stem cell therapy impacts the brain development. His study is based on pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), collected from people with autism. The researchers in his team are using the stem cells to model the […]