Has it ever crossed your mind about when your little one will finally start following your directions? Is responding positively to your directions something that you wish to encourage in your baby? And is there an easy way to make a better listener out of her? What is the way forward so that you can […]
Babies and Conjunctivitis – A Short Guide
A few days ago, I called my friend Sunita and enquired after her family. As soon as she received the call, I was able to sense that something was wrong. She sounded extremely tensed. On asking, she told me that her daughter Ria, had conjunctivitis. God, even a toddler can have conjunctivitis! This I was […]
Understanding Two Heart Problems By Studying The Domino Effect Of One Gene Network
The main function of cardiomyocytes, the heart muscle cells is pumping blood to other organs of the body. However, they can also carry genetic instructions and function as a nerve cell, liver cell, intestinal cell or any other cell type in the body. Dr. Deepak Srivastava says, “At the moment in time that the fetal […]
Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cells To Treat Acquired Hearing Loss In Kids
Have you ever imagined how a unit of umbilical cord blood can treat your child’s hearing problem? As stated by Dr. James Baumgartner, a pediatric neurosurgeon at Florida Children’s Hospital, umbilical cord blood stem cells can be used to treat several critical conditions among children. With regards to treating acquired hearing loss in children, he […]
Translating Great Stem Cell Ideas Into Effective Therapies
CIRM’s Governing Board recently approved $15 million for four projects in translational awards program, which promises to offer support to invent novel stem cells transplants that can be applied to patients during clinical trials. Wondering what “translational” might mean in studies, involving stem cells? “Translational” implies to researches that take the basic results of a […]
Stories of Hope – David Levy’s Win against a Rare Blood Disorder
Doctors of the University of Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences System have successfully conducted a stem cell transplant to cure a rare blood disorder, named congenital dyserythropoietic anemia (CDA). It’ a rare condition, in which the body does not create enough red blood cells, which leads to organ damage and even early death. This is […]
Sleeping For Two: Sleep Changes During Pregnancy
When my friend Sasha was pregnant, she told me how often she felt tired. We all know that pregnancy brings its share of happiness and discomforts for the mum-to-be. And sleep problems was just one of discomforts that comes as a part of the package. Most women tend to feel exhausted in the first and […]
Prenatal Care Should Start Before Pregnancy
Planning to have a kid? Have you considered prenatal care yet? If you want to begin a new chapter of your life as a parent, just wait for a moment and think! Are you completely ready to have a baby, both mentally, and physically? Prenatal care will help you reach there. It should be started […]
Pregnant Mom’s Guide to the Zika Virus Risk & Cord Blood Banking
You might be thinking why Zika virus is a big deal for you, if you are an expectant mother? Well, before that let’s just talk about what it is and how it spreads. Zika virus is mainly spread by mosquito bites and sexual transmission. The virus does not cause major harm to adults. But it […]
Novel Stem-Cell Procedure Saves Boy’s Leg
Stem cells have opened so many gateways to personalized medicine that no one could ever imagine a few years back. Not only the traditional transplants, with stem cells, medical practitioners are now able to treat many rare conditions. Thanks to the researchers and their novel techniques, involving stem cells. This is a story of Javier […]