Do not be alarmed by the small stump left over after cutting the umbilical cord. It will be gone in a few days’ time. When you hold your lovely little infant in your arms for the first time, nothing can prepare you for the rush of love you feel for your baby. Your child’s beautiful […]
Travelling Safely During Pregnancy: The Essential Guide
Your doctor’s advice and what your own body tells you are good enough indicators of whether you should travel during your pregnancy or not. Your pregnancy brings with it a rollercoaster of emotions. Each of your waking moments is devoted to caring for your unborn baby. You completely modify your diet, start undergoing moderate amounts […]
Understanding the Health Benefits of Yoga
Yoga has tremendous implications on pregnancy and must be practiced for overall good health and positivity by every pregnant woman. For centuries now, yoga and its allied asanas (the exercises or poses practiced therein) have been a source of inspiration to those seeking the meaning of their lives in the context of the universe. It […]
Fatherhood 101: Taking a New Mother through Testing Times
A man’s role during his partner’s pregnancy and the subsequent birth is crucial to the health and happiness of both mother and baby. His role is underlined even more when deciding to bank the baby’s stem cells. Pregnancy is an exhilarating time for an expectant mother, even as her body undergoes dramatic changes and she […]
Are You Taking OTC Medication When Pregnant?
Even the simplest pill for common cold needs to be cleared by your doctor before you take it. Do not compromise your child’s safety for any reason. The lifecycle of your unborn baby is a wondrous process. Your baby’s body and physical responses to various stimuli change every single day. As such, you have a […]
Can You Induce Labour In A Natural Way?
You are at the last lap of your pregnancy. While the entire pregnancy has been smooth sailing – you are in good health, the baby has grown well and all your vital parameters are ticking along just fine – you are now impatient for your baby to be born. As each day passes, you feel […]
Afraid of a C-section for Delivery? Take Action Now
Nature intended for women to deliver their babies in the most painful way possible – but having a normal delivery is a rite of passage for both mother and child. As excruciating as the process is, a natural birth is a test of a mother’s love – and her overall fitness – as both she […]
Does Your Diet Have An Effect On Your Baby’s Stem Cells?
From time immemorial, expectant mothers have been plied with diet advice on all sides. ‘Eat a lot of ghee’, one says, while another tells you to cut down on fats and sugar. Someone else comes up with a diet chart with large portions – ‘After all, you are eating for two people now!’ – while […]
The Difference between Health and Disease
For any parent, their most precious creation is their child. All the money one makes, all the possessions one acquires, all the houses one can afford to purchase…everything pales in comparison to the sight of one’s lovely child. As an expectant parent, you have probably done everything you could to welcome your baby into your […]
Taking Stock of Stem Cells and AIDS
A look at World AIDS Vaccine Day and the promise that stem cells hold in treating AIDS. Today is May 18, observed all over the world as World AIDS Vaccine Day. It is also known as HIV Vaccine Awareness Day, and it reiterates the need to find a lasting cure for the dreaded virus so […]