There are several early signs of pregnancy, but it is easy to confuse them with the symptoms of PMS. For instance, a woman in the pre-menstrual period may experience bloating, fatigue and irritability. These signs are amongst the first signs of pregnancy too.[1] This could explain why most women remain unaware that they are pregnant […]
Some Surprising Pregnancy Facts
Throughout the course of your pregnancy, you realise the kind of changes your body is able to make to accommodate a baby for nine months. While weight gain, changed gait and swollen legs and feet are par for the course, there are some other surprising changes in your body that you are hardly aware of. […]
Why Do You Need to Take An Ultrasound in Pregnancy?
When you are pregnant, you are attuned to the slightest movement and flutter that your baby makes. It is an affirmation of your baby’s health and growth when you feel it kicking inside you. But apart from your belly growing in size and your body weight increasing, how can you tell if your baby is […]
Women – We are Stronger Than You Can Ever Imagine
We don’t need a dictionary to understand the importance of women as the one who invented the dictionary came into existence because of a woman. Women, undoubtedly is the backbone of humanity as a whole. The tasks that they undertake and achieve on a daily basis might be surprising even to our maker. However, one […]
How Your Baby Grows Inside Your Uterus
Your baby undertakes a fascinating journey from zygote to foetus to an infant. Even though you may not realise it, your baby starts developing from the first day of pregnancy. You will realise you are pregnant only after a month has elapsed. In the meantime, however, your baby has already begun its journey. From the […]
Pregnancy Advice for Dads
The most beautiful thing is about to happen to you: you’re going to become a father! Your partner is elated – and terrified – at the prospect of going through nine months of pregnancy, followed by painful labour. She may not admit it, but she is afraid of many things: losing her figure, suffering morning […]
Dealing With Breast Tenderness in Pregnancy
Perhaps the most noticeable aspect in the early days of your pregnancy is the change in your breasts. Even while the fertilised egg implants itself in the uterus and develops into an embryo, your breasts begin to change in appearance. At first, you will notice that your breasts seem tender and soft to the touch. […]
Expecting Twins? Your Babies Will Surprise and Delight You!
Being pregnant is a wonderful experience in itself, but when you’re expecting twins, the joy is (literally) twofold! Being pregnant with twins is twice the fun of a normal pregnancy – you will get much bigger, your babies will kick in tandem and you will have two bundles of joy after nine months. But how […]
How To Get Pregnant Fast
Are you impatient to get pregnant? While it may seem like the impending happy news takes its own time in coming, you will be pleased to know that there are ways to speed up the pregnancy process! There isn’t anything extraordinary you need to do, but a few basic steps will get you well on […]
Dealing With Pregnancy Cramps
Your pregnancy is not just about the growth of your precious baby in your womb. It is also about the many changes that your body undergoes and eventually adapts to. Just like bloating, tenderness in the breasts and water retention, another sign of pregnancy is abdominal and leg cramps. These can begin early in the […]