What is Prenatal Infection? Prenatal infection is triggered because of a bacteria or virus that gets passed from a mother to her baby during the time of pregnancy or delivery. Prenatal infections comprise of bacterial or viral illnesses, which gets passed from a mother to her baby while the baby is in uterus, during delivery, […]
International Childhood Cancer Day
Developing cancer at any stage of life is a frightening prospect, but it is doubly traumatic when children develop cancer. The disease can often have fatal consequences in the very young – in India, cancer ranks at number 9 amongst the diseases resulting in fatalities among children aged between 5 to 14 years. Previously, childhood […]
Effective ways to Observe World Cancer Day & Curb your Cancer Risk
Cancer has been one of the most challenging diseases human race has ever dealt with. Every year on the 4th of Feb we put the spotlight on Cancer and try and educate people about the illness through creating awareness and dispelling myths that surround cancer. World Health Organisation has confirmed that cancer is one of […]
Interim Guidelines for Pregnant Women During Zika Virus Outbreak
Zika virus belongs to the virus family Flaviviridae & the genus Flavivirus. The virus is spread through daytime-active Aedes mosquitoes, namely A. aegypti. The virus causes mild illness known as Zika fever in humans, and since 1950s it has been known to occur within a thin equatorial belt from Africa to Asia. In 2014, the […]
Did I Really not Notice I was Pregnant?
If the first indicator that you were pregnant came via a missed period, relax. This happens to most women. However, some women feel that something has changed inside their bodies in the week of conceiving a baby. Of course, the more dramatic changes of pregnancy – swollen belly, changed gait, mood swings – occur much […]
Counting Down the Crucial Pregnancy Weeks
The last few days of pregnancy are amongst the most daunting of any woman’s life. Once week 33 commences, every expectant woman is counting down to day of delivery. As an expectant mother, you cannot wait to give birth and hold your new baby for the first time. This anticipation grows in the last few […]
Steps to Ensure a Healthy Lifestyle this Republic Day
This year India will celebrate its 67th Republic Day. It is undoubtedly one of the most significant events in the political history of the country. This day is highly renowned for the inception of a new Constitution of India. The Indian Constitution includes steps that the nation needs to take to make India a better […]
Baby on Board – and What Happens Next
If your body has begun to show changes recently, and so has your mood, you could be pregnant. Often, the signs of pregnancy are able to manifest themselves even without the tell-tale ‘missed period’ to ring the first bell. But it is easy to confuse these symptoms with those your body registers during a menstrual […]
What does Eating for Two Mean?
An expectant mother is constantly reminded to eat well, because she is “eating for two”. This is partly true: the mother does provide nourishment to her child from her body. But she need not eat double her normal portions of food. At best, the pregnancy diet may include about 300 calories more than the usual […]
How Your Changing Body Prepares for Pregnancy
So you’ve just confirmed that you are pregnant! Congratulations! The next few months are going to reshape your life in several magical ways. And though you didn’t notice anything amiss till you missed your first period, your body was silently preparing itself for your baby from the first week of conception itself. Your body changes […]