Pregnancy is truly the most magical period of a woman’s life. As her body changes to accommodate the growing foetus inside her, she does everything in her power to keep the baby safe and healthy. This includes eating balanced meals and taking pre-natal vitamins as prescribed. Every woman gains weight during her pregnancy. It is […]
Finding out Whether You are Having Twins
Only 15 percent of twin pregnancies complete the 36 weeks gestational period. Twins and triplets are more likely to be born early, concurs NHS, UK. Pregnancy and parenthood may well be a life-changing event for a couple. Parents to-be often prepare their homes well in advance to welcome their little bundle of joy, their son […]
Positives of Storing the Umbilical Cord Stem Cells are numerous
Cord blood stem cells were first used in a transplant in 1988 and have since been used to treat more than 80 diseases. You can know more about the diseases it can be used to treat in the list provided by ‘Parent’s Guide to Cord Blood’[1]. To-be parents often make a host of preparations in […]
When Pregnant, You need to Follow These Care Tips
Uses of the Umbilical Cord
The umbilical cord is a precious resource of stem cells. Mothers-to-be should be made cognisant of the benefits of cord blood before they head into labour. The successful treatment of several serious diseases is the subject of several realms of research and hours of laboratory testing the world over. Doctors and scientists are grappling with […]
40 Minutes of Exercise Can Help You Live Longer
About 1.7 million Indian hearts stop beating every year. In 2012, one in four Indians died of cardiovascular diseases, according to the World Health Organization. The death rate from cardiac disease was one in five in 2000. India is experiencing a cardiac disease epidemic, says an article published in NDTV Food in June 2015. And […]
Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes – New Frontiers
Is diabetes treatable with stem cell therapy? New clinical trials and treatments seem to indicate so. India is poised to become the diabetes capital of the world[1]. There are several researches and clinical trials being conducted around the world to find a cure for diabetes. New developments in diabetes treatment and research indicate that a […]
Here are Different Methods of Giving Birth
Caesarean deliveries are skyrocketing in India. Until 2010, caesarean or C-sections were limited to 8.5% of all deliveries in the country, just under the recommended level of 10-15%, according to a World Health Organization (WHO) report. However, their occurrence have escalated in many parts of the country between 2005 and 2015 with states like Kerala […]
5 Major Symptoms and Early Signs of Alzheimer’s
Alzheimers is an ailment that has particularly affected the lives of old people. It has been found worldwide that 10% of the 80 year olds and 25% of 90 year olds have Alzheimers at some stage. Forgetfulness is a common aging problem but when it is more severe and is accompanied with the person getting […]
Alzheimer’s and Stem Cell Therapy
Worldwide, Alzheimer’s is found in at least one among 10 persons who are more than 80-years-old and one out of four persons who are above 90 years. In India, there are nearly 50 lakh dementia patients of which, roughly 70 to 80 percent have Alzheimer’s, says an article published in the The Hindu in November […]