Potty Training Tips: 11 Essential Guidelines For Child Development

From the very first day, when you brought your mewling little one into your house, you didn’t want to miss out on any one of those exciting milestones of your baby. Isn’t it?

We know how much you love watching those milestones come and go. After all, milestones indicate that your baby is growing up. However, there’s one particular milestone, which might require your fair attention and that is when you see your child lets go of his or her diapers and accepts potty training.

Toilet training for kids is indeed a difficult task for you as parents. Every child has a different way of learning and there is no best way to make him or her learn the techniques.

So, like many other new parents, to make your work easy, we have curated a few potty-training guidelines for your son or daughter and of course for you.

Read this engaging article to find out what they are:

Try Not To Be In A Hurry With Toilet Training

The habit of pooping in a potty seat should be slowly encouraged in your child. Explain to him or her that big kids only use toilets and potty seats when they want to pee or go potty. So, next time when he or she feels the urge, he or she will ask you to take you to the child potty seat, directly. 

Watch Out For The Signs In Your Little One

While some children show their signs of wanting to go to the potty when they are in-between 18 and 24 months old, some may not be ready even later than that. In that case, observe your child’s cues carefully and try to understand when to start potty training your baby. So, check whether your little one is able to:

  • Walk and run steadily
  • Urinate properly
  • Feel the urge to poop
  • Sit quietly and in one position for 2 to 5 minutes
  • Pull up and down his or her pants
  • Grunt (a physical or verbal sign) and show that he or she’s willing to have a bowel movement
  • Use the potty or toilet seat without any hesitation
  • Control his or her bowel movements and tell you about it before he or she does it
  • Follow your instructions like “Sit down on the seat”
potty training guide
Source: https://www.pbs.org/parents/thrive/what-to-do-when-your-toddler-suddenly-stops-potty-training

Show Potty Training Is Easy With Examples

Give examples of the kids of your neighbour, friends and relatives in front of your child and tell your little one how exciting, fun and easy potty training was for those children. You may also take your child to your neighbour’s or friend’s place and show him or her with an example that the kid is using the bathroom so many times in a day all by himself. (Closely watching someone of your child’s age helps a lot). Alternatively you can take your child with you next time you need to use the toilet and show him or her how to pee or how to do potty.

Let Your Child Play Potty Training With The Toys

As he or she’s learning the trick gradually, allow your child to play, pretend  and go through the process with his or her favourite toys. This will help you understand that he or she is learning the process.

Follow A Pattern In Potty Training

Once your child learns how to potty through the training gradually, let your child follow a pattern. Make your child use the potty seat or toilet once in the morning, after he or she wakes up and once in the afternoon and night, after he or she’s finished her lunch or dinner. You can also encourage him or her to use the potty seat before you’re going out somewhere. This lets your child know that going to potty is a routine thing and this way you are inculcating good toilet habits in your little one.

Let Your Child Spend Some Naked Times

Since your child is learning to say no to diapers, encourage your child to go naked while he or she’s doing potty. This is a very basic potty-training method, which is followed in most of the household.

A Fun Song While Your Child Is Doing Potty

If you feel that your little one is feeling nervous about using the potty or toilet, create a song or play a tune on your music system to encourage him or her. This will make him or her feel more relaxed. Alternately, both of you could create a fun song together while your little one’s using the potty.

Books Can Help

Visit your nearest bookstore with your child and purchase some fun books, where your child can see that a child character in the book is pooping or using the potty seat. This will add to the fun of potty training. Alternately, you can give him or her, her favourite book to pass the time while he or she’s on the toilet seat and help him or her go easy on potty-training. 

Accidents Are Inevitable

Once you start potty training your child, you cannot expect perfection or miracle immediately. Accidents are bound to happen. So, try not to be harsh on him or her and allow him or her to handle the failure gracefully.

Place The Potty In A Convenient Place

Placing the potty in the bathroom will help your little one to understand the connection of bathroom and potty. However, to avoid accidents, you might try to place it inside your bedroom (if you’re co-sleeping with your child) or inside your child’s room

Praise Him or Her

Yes! 😊Clapping and using positive comments for each win will work pretty well for your toddler. After all! Small praises for your little one for his or her small achievements is a natural part of parenting.

However, if potty-training is taking a little time, don’t get discouraged or frustrated. Instead, be patient and keep these simple tips in mind to potty train your little one efficiently.

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