This is the story of a 16 year old girl from Kozhikode, Kerala, who was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML). She was being treated at an advanced stage of the disease at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi. Leukaemia is a type of cancer affecting the blood and bone marrow, which produces our blood […]
Stem Cell Banking
Can Parkinson’s Disease be Treated?
Is stem cell therapy likely to cure Parkinson’s disease? Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is one of the deadliest neurological disorders known to afflict mankind. It is caused after the neurons in the brain get damaged or impaired, thus affecting their production of the essential chemical dopamine. Dopamine is essential for the smooth functioning of the body’s […]
Stem Cell Therapy for Autism
For long now, doctors and scientists studying autism and autism spectrum disorders have debated the merits of using stem cells to cure the brain disorder. There have also been attempts in the West to study the effects of one’s own stem cells banked at birth in the generation of viable neurons in the brain. For […]
Positives of Storing the Umbilical Cord Stem Cells are numerous
Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes – New Frontiers
Is diabetes treatable with stem cell therapy? New clinical trials and treatments seem to indicate so. India is poised to become the diabetes capital of the world[1]. There are several researches and clinical trials being conducted around the world to find a cure for diabetes. New developments in diabetes treatment and research indicate that a […]
Alzheimer’s and Stem Cell Therapy
Worldwide, Alzheimer’s is found in at least one among 10 persons who are more than 80-years-old and one out of four persons who are above 90 years. In India, there are nearly 50 lakh dementia patients of which, roughly 70 to 80 percent have Alzheimer’s, says an article published in the The Hindu in November […]
Sickle Cell Anaemia and Cord Blood Therapy
Sickle cell disease is often thought of as a disease affecting people with dark skin, and a majority of patients – researchers estimate 60 to 80 percent – are African-American, but other races are also affected. People of Indian, Middle Eastern, Hispanic and Mediterranean heritage are also commonly affected, says an article published in the New York […]
Spinal Cord Injury and Stem Cell Transplant
Conservative estimates suggest that the incidence of spinal injuries in India would be around 20 per million with 2,500 fresh cases added every year, often as a result of road accidents, says an article published in The Hindu in August 2013[1]. Spinal cord injuries can cause incomplete or complete non-functioning of the spinal cord. Spinal […]
This I-Day, Consider Stem Cell Banking
As India completes 68 years of independence, we take a look at the current state of Indian stem cell banking. India soon completes 68 years of independence, and the country has made notable strides in several fields. Prominent among these is the field of medicine and medical research. Indian medical expertise is considered to be […]
Stem Cell Banking: Good Option or Not?
Many parents today choose to bank their child’s stem cells immediately after delivery. This decision might help save your child’s life in the future. Today, with people being increasingly afflicted by blood and immune system disorders, it is time to take a serious look at stem cell banking and how stem cells may change outcomes […]