Do you know what the building blocks of our blood and immune system are? Stem cells. These stem cells have the potential to grow into different types of cells in order to repair cell damage in the associated tissues and organs. For this reason, stem cells are considered a major component in the modern regenerative […]
Stories of Hope: Toddler Reinfused With Own Umbilical Cord Blood in Attempt to Halt Type 1 Diabetes
Stem cells have been the reason for so many successful clinical trials for decades. It has not only been proven effective for more than 80 diseases and disorders, but it has also been responsible for various miraculous stories. Lucy Hinchion has such an inspiring story. She is the youngest child in medical history, who has […]
One Scientist’s Quest to Understand Autism Using Stem Cells
Meet Alysson Muotri, an autism researcher and a professor at UC San Diego. His research mostly revolves around autism and how stem cell therapy impacts the brain development. His study is based on pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), collected from people with autism. The researchers in his team are using the stem cells to model the […]
A horse, Stem Cells and An Inspiring Comeback Story that May Revolutionize Tendon Repair
Comeback stories are inspiring. They give us hope for the future. This story is about Dream Alliance, a horse whose comeback story to recover from Achilles tendon injuries will offer hope for many. Wondering why this is a big story? Read on. The Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in our body that connects the […]
Autism Study Results with Cord Blood Stem Cells
We all know that autism cannot be cured. But Duke Center for Autism and Brain Development researchers have found a way to alleviate the symptoms of autism, thereby offering a better life for children with the condition. And the key to this therapy lies within their own umbilical cord blood stem cells. The researchers at […]
Stories of Hope: Cured Of Blindness: A Stem Cell Therapy Story
This is the story of Doug Oliver, who suffered from macular degeneration or progressive blindness for more than two years. His medical team conducted a stem cell treatment on him and now he has recovered his eyesight and is leading a healthy life. Doug started losing his vision at the age of 32. When consulted […]
Stories of Hope – David Levy’s Win Against a Rare Blood Disorder
Doctors of the University of Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences System have successfully conducted a stem cell transplant to cure a rare blood disorder, named congenital dyserythropoietic anemia (CDA). It’ a rare condition, in which the body does not create enough red blood cells, which leads to organ damage and even early death. This is […]
Novel Stem-Cell Procedure Saves Boy’s Leg
Stem cells have opened so many gateways to personalized medicine that no one could ever imagine a few years back. Not only the traditional transplants, with stem cells, medical practitioners are now able to treat many rare conditions. Thanks to the researchers and their novel techniques, involving stem cells. This is a story of Javier […]
Stories of Hope: Cured Blind Man, U.S Senator Crusade on Capitol Hill for Stem Cell Innovations
Miracles happen. How many times have we heard this? But have you actually ever seen a miracle happen. This is the story of one man’s fight against blindness which eventually gave hope to millions of people. It was on a family road trip to New Hampshire when the 54-year-old Doug Oliver was first made aware […]